Restaurant Unstoppable with Eric Cacciatore

With Excitement allow me to introduce to you today's guest CEO Found of Meez Josh Sharkey. Josh is joining us today because my guest mentors have been recommending Meez on the show, and because Meez has come up a few times in conversation within the network. Meez is a recipe tool for professional chefs and organizations. It's one part recipe tool, one part costing tool, and one part e-learning platform.

Meez has agreed to pay Restaurant Unstoppable a 25% commission on all new leads! If you're interested in leveraging this tool in your business, Please:


Check out The Flavor Bible by Karen Page as mentioned in today's episode!

Check out this video demo for Meez! Special thanks to The Little Beats Geoff Kornberg! Go to www.restaurantunstoppable.come/780

Direct download: 780_Josh_Sharkey_PODCAST_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:07pm EST