Restaurant Unstoppable with Eric Cacciatore

Today we're speaking with someone who was one of my earliest guest, Chef Patrick Soucy.  I had the pleasure of working with and learning from Chef Soucy, when he was opening Applecrest Bistro as Executive Chef. From day one of being on his team, I was taken back by his ability to lead, and garner respect. I've been wanting to have a conversation to reflect on this time spent working with him, and learning through observation. 

There was a ton I learned through this experience, but what sticks with me the most is how much Chef Soucy's team respected him. Respect is at the core of todays conversation. To be successful you need a team, and a team is no good unless there is mutual respect.

In this episode Chef Soucy shares what it was like to tackle such a massive operation, and what he knows about gaining respect.  

Direct download: 268_Pat_Soucy_Respect__mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:34pm EDT