Restaurant Unstoppable with Eric Cacciatore

Chronicle # 5: Curbside Pick-Up Best Practices/Talk to Your State Officials- Anna Tauzin- Texas Restaurant Association- Austin, TX

Find more from Anna Tauzin Here

Key takeaways

  1. If your business isn't already set up for delivery that ship may have sailed. Instead, focus on curbside pickup
  2. Curbside picks up best practices: 
    • Be sure to have enough paper products
    • Plan for efficiency in your location
    • Make sure you're giving accurate pick-up times
    • Structure staffing for peak delivery times. 
    • Separate hot and cold food items when packages. 
    • Double Check orders
    • Get specifics on make and model of car. 
    • Use SMS platforms to communicate with your guests. 
  3. Third-party delivery promotions
  4. What to communicate to your start representatives
    • Funds
    • Tax deferrals
    • Emergency eviction protection
    • Rent mitigation 
Direct download: 5COVID19_Anna_Tauzin__mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:55pm EDT

Maria Campbell Founder of Cooks who Care in Philadelphia, PA has put together a master document filled with resources to help you get through these hard times.

It's call: Food industry Coronavirus Collaboration Resources.

Direct download: 4COVID19_Maria_Campbell_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:15am EDT

Chronicle #3: Paul Tuennerman- New Orleans, LA

Find out more about Paul Tunnerman here.

Key takeaways

  1. We will get out of this better
  2. The Waren act and how it applies
  3. Business interruption insurance
  4. Survive to serve another day
  5. New Orleans has allowed only delivery and curbside pickup
  6. Everyone wants you to survive so reach out to banks and landlords to find out how they can help
  7. What opportunities exist because of this?
  8. Reach out to others in the industry

Connect with Paul

Direct download: 3COVID19_3_Paul_Tuennerman__mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:14am EDT

Chronicle #2: Kathryn Lott- Southern Smoke Foundation- Houston, TX

Find out more about Kathryn Lott here.

Key takeaways

  1. You have to look to the future
  2. But you have to wait before you see the actual damage
  3. Fear is the biggest problem here
  4. Do not kick anyone out of a building-family or business-while this is happening

Resources mentioned in this Chronicle:

  • Find out more about 501(c)(3) foundations here.
  • Learn more about Southern Smoke Foundation here.
  • Learn more about Atlanta's The Giving Kitchen here.
  • Learn more about Portland's Family Meal here.
Direct download: 2COVID19_Kathryn_Lott_Southern_Smoke__mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00am EDT

This is the first of many Coronavirus Chronicles. I've been wanting to dedicate an entire episode to this for a bit now, but everything is moving too fast. It's far better to create and publish content in real-time as everything unfolds. 

In my research and understanding of this pandemic, the single most important takeaway I've garnered is that we need to get aligned. Not just the industry, but globally. 

The quicker we can spread good knowledge. The quicker we can come out of this and get back to business as we knew it. 


Find out more about Jonathan Horowitz here.

Key takeaways

  1. We got to pull together and be there for our communities- that's what we do in the restaurant industry.
  2. Transition to more takeout and delivery.
  3. Figure out how to take care of your people the best you can.
    • help them find new employment.
  4. Utilize social media to share your story about how you are adapting to the hard times and what your guests can do to help.
  5. The measure to which we've adapted already to overcome this challenge being so impressive and promising.
  6. Talk to the local representatives and make sure they know how important it is that we lobby for potential aid.

 Resources mentioned in this Chronicle:

  • Get in touch with your elected official here.
Direct download: COVID-19_Jonathan_Horowitz_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:28am EDT