Restaurant Unstoppable with Eric Cacciatore

Ken is a specialist in management systems and profit strategies for hotels, clubs and restaurants. For over thirty years Ken has been involved in the hospitality industry. He has been a restaurant owner and operator, Restaurant Consultant, tutor and hospitality entrepreneur. Today, his main focus is on profitable hospitality, which can be described as a resource website for restaurants, cafes, hotels, club owners Managers and chefs.

Direct download: 033_Authority_Thursday__Ken_Burgin_on.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:52am EST

For 10 years Jennifer was the general manager, wine director at the very successful Annisa Restaurant in West Village, New York. It has been said that she was a fixture of the restaurants dining room with her designer dresses and Towering heels. After hanging up her high heels at Annisa she started Cape House Catering where she catered to off premise events for 3 years. Today the entrepreneurial spirit still seems to be burning bright with her latest venture “Good To-Go”. Good To-Go is the first all natural “dehydrated gourment” line of package meals.

Direct download: 032_Jenifer_Scism_of_Annisa.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:25pm EST

In this episode I recap 4 simple ways you can improve your restaurant website's Search Engine Optimization (SEO). I recently read an article written by Brandon Hull, our good friend at In that article he really spells out, in simple terms, how to maximize your restaurant website  SEO. I've been dying to share the content with you since. You are not the only one on the internet jockeying for your target markets attentions. The competition for that attention is getting stiffer every day. Here are some easy to apply tips to increase your odds of beating out your competitors at getting your guests attention

Direct download: 031_SEO_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:33pm EST

So I just spent a spectacular weekend in Chicago at the National Restaurant Associate Trade Show. IT. WAS. AWESOME! I met some pretty incredible people and sat through some awesome talks from industry leaders. One of the talks I sat through was on the topic of how to combat negative online reviews. In this episode I share what I learned with on this topic and offer some additional tools that you can use in your arsenal during those online battles. Just hit play!


Direct download: 030_5_Ways_to_Combat_Negative_Customer_Reviews.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:17pm EST

Today's Guest is the President of Cabaret Design Group and has been developing bar and night clubs for over 10 years and also blogs at In Today's episode, Rick is going to discuss the five factors that will make your bar more profitable and efficient: WOW Factor, Ergonomic Design, Productive design, Procedures/Operations and Inventory Control. Its no secret the its your bar the gives you the largest margins. Just hit play and find out how to get the most out of these margins.

Direct download: 029_Authority_Thursday__5_Factors_to_Make_Your_Bar_More_Profitable.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:49pm EST

Not too long ago I had Eric Hebert of DineAbility on the show and he had suggested we all pick up The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It, by Michael Gerber. Thats exactly what I did; I haven't a single regret. This book completely opened my eyes to what is required to be successful business owner. In the episode I cover the 3 core concept of this book, which if followed, will make your restaurant dreams unstoppable.


Direct download: 028_E-Myth_Revisited__3_Concept_to_Make_You_Succeed.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:46am EST

Schedulefly was founded in 2007 to serve independent restaurants by helping them better communicate, schedule staff and get organized. Additionally,  Schedulefly is responsible for the book Restaurant Owners Uncorked: Twenty Owners Share Their Recipes for Success, and a Video Series both dedicated to capturing the stories of successful restaurant owners and getting to the core of what it takes to be successful.

Direct download: 027_Authority_Thursday_Will_Brawley_of_ScheduleFly.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Being raised in an Italian/Greek family, it was easy for Chef Michele Raussis to fall in love with food. It was this culture and her passion for serving friends that brought her to study at Johnson and Wales in RI.  Turns out this badass doesn’t like regimented education and decided to spend the next 15 years getting hands on experience as an Executive Chef. Her passion for food and bringing people together landed her on Season 8 of Food Network Star, where she competed to the final rounds. Today, Chef Michele is the executive chef at The Pearl  on The Pier, in Rockland, ME. 

Direct download: 026_Michele_Ragussis_The_Pearl_on_The_Pier.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:19am EST

Paul is the Chef/Proprietor/restaurateur behind Pitfire Pizza, Superba brands and East Borough, which all fall under the umbrella of the American Gonzo Food Corporation.  Paul Started Pitfire Pizza over 17 years ago and has since grown the operation into 8 Locations across Southern California. In the past 2 years there seems to have been an explosion activity in Paul’s professional career which include the opening of Superba Snack Bar, East Borough, Superba Food and Bread and honestly I’m afraid I’m going to miss something so I think its just best to pass it over to you.

Direct download: 025-Paul_Hibler_of_American_Gonzo_Food_Corp.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:21am EST

Chef Sorrell is a graduate of the New England Culinary Institute. As a culinary intern he eventually found himself in Hawaii. After arriving in HI, he found it difficult to leave and he spent the next 10 years working in numerous 5 star resorts. His hard work landed him a job as chef at the Humuhumunukunukupua aka Humu Humu restaurant located at the Grand Wailea Resort Maui. Today he is Chef/proprietor of The Chefs Corner, which consist of two VT locations. Williston and Burlington.

Direct download: 024-Scott_Sorrell_of_Chefs_Corner.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:01pm EST

Today's guest is already a veteran of the industry at the ripe age of 25. While he may be young, his entire life has been spent in the industry, which makes him wise beyond his years. He is a graduate of Le Cordon Bleu San Francisco and has been making some big noise in the culinary scene since. You may know him as a cast member of Season 8 Food Network Star. More recently he has been recognized by Forbes Magazine as being Forbes 30 under 30. Today he can find him working as Chef Proprietor of his two restaurants The Three Fat Pigs and his more recently Ippy's Hawaiian BBQ.

Direct download: 023_Ippy_of_3_Fat_Pigs_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:26am EST

Today guest, Matthew Oley is the Vice President of Sales at SwipelySwipely helps restaurants and bars better understand customers and grow sales. 

The data Swipely collects will provide you with information such as how much, when and on what your customers are spending. It will also provide you with information on how well your staff is performing.


Direct download: 022_Authority_Thursday-_Mike_Oakly_of_Swipely_11.16.41_PM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:18pm EST