Restaurant Unstoppable with Eric Cacciatore


In this episode with Chef Justin Severino we discuss: 

  • The power of a team working to serve the same mission.
  • Speaking up if you need help.
  • How school helped Severino stay on one path.
  • Taking a job for what you're going to learn. 
  • Pushing your driven team members to their limit, for the sake of their personal growth. 
  • Being Fair. 
  • Food values. 
  • How being good doesn't mean shit... if you can't make money while you do it. 
  • How the most important thing in a restaurant is how you make your people feel. 
  • What led Severino to open Cure. 
  • How to open a restaurant with no money of your own. 
  • Awakening the creative part of your mind with a can do attitude.

Justin Severino is a graduate of the Pennsylvania Culinary Institute. Severino made his move west to Santa Cruz, CA where he worked for many staples in the industry and opened Severino's Community Butcher. He would go on to serve as executive chef at Element Cuisine and Sous Chef to at Eleven Restaurant in Pittsburgh. In 2011 opened Cure with national recognition and accolades. In 2015 he opened Morcilla with the same result.

Direct download: 430_Justin_Serverino_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST