Restaurant Unstoppable with Eric Cacciatore

During this episode I reflect on my summer internship and how I  could have been more effective if I had applied the lessons from the book Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time. While being a Managing Intern, I discovered while you may know what needs to be done, that doesn't necessary mean you'll be able to find the time to do what needs to be done. This book is a must read for anyone looking to live intentionally, with personal discipline and better time management. By listening in you'll discover 9 of the 21 ways in the book shares how to get more done. 

Direct download: 096_9_Ways_to_Make_Better_Use_of_Time_In_Your_Restaurant.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

As  professionals we're approached with tempting situations to get ahead. These tempting situations can come at the expense of losing some of your authenticity and dignity. In this episode I share one of those situations and how I handled it. The key take away from this experience is that there is no benefit in a short gains if it means sacrificing or falsifying your image and impact with those who you've developed rapport. Restaurants are only as good as the people who are associated with them. 

Direct download: 095_3_reasons_to_refuse_4500_Twitter_Followers.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:52am EST

Today we're talking to the author of The Supermanager: A Short Story About the Secrets of an Extremely Successful Manager, Greg Blencoe. His book tells the story of an ambitious young professional who is seeking mentorship from what seems to be a "Super Manger." This Super Manager goes on to share with this young professional the 7 Principles he needs to live by, if he too, wants to be a super manager. In today's episode we cover those 7 principles. You don't want to miss it!

Direct download: 094_Greg_Blencoe_on_7_Principles_to_Teach_Your_Managers.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:32pm EST

Chef Aloise has a career, which spans over 40 years. He’s been the president of a major hospitality corporation; a hospitality educator; guest instructor at Johnson and Whales; Ted Presenter; James Beard semi-finalist… the list goes on and on. Today, he is the Chef and Co-owner of REPUBLIC and Campo Enotecaboth located in ManchesterNH. Fun Fact: REPUBLIC was the first certified Farm to Restaurant operation in NH.


Jeffrey is the Founder and Principal of Summers Hospitality Group. He is known for being a straight shooter, creative, imaginative, and being pragmatic in his approach to helping his clients achieve mastery of their trade. He attributes his success to 33 years of doing every job himself. Summers Hospitality Group works for your business to do 4 things...

Direct download: 092-_Jeffrey_Summers_Shares_The_Secret_to_Being_Failure_Free.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:04pm EST